Spring Home Maintenance Tips
Well, the first day of spring has come and gone, and I think we are all crossing our fingers that the cold and the snow follows close behind! This is a perfect time to start thinking about and planning for spring cleaning and maintenance of your home!
Spring is the time of year when you want to watch for any damage done through the winter, and prepare your home for when the snow melts and the spring rains start. Most of the maintenance at this time of year is for the exterior of your home, but there are some interior items to watch for as well.
Exterior Weatherproofing
- Inspect your roof in the spring as soon as the weather starts to warm up and you can get up there comfortably (no snow and ice). You’ll want to look for any damage to shingles and ensure they are secure and in good condition.
- Inspect the condition of the flashing around your chimney, plumbing vent stacks, and in the valleys where the sections of the roof join.
- Check eaves troughs to ensure they are securely fastened to the house, and are clean of leaves and other debris. It is very important that down spouts are placed into their down position, to ensure any water runoff is directed away from the house.
- Inspect your sump pump to make sure it is working properly. We provide the user manual and some basic information about the operation of your sump pump with your “Turnover Package”, but if you can’t find that information please give the office a call!
- Inspect around your foundation and look for any settlement (low spots, uneven areas) of the soil. Settlement should be back filled to ensure positive drainage from the foundation.
General Interior and Exterior Maintenance
- Inspect and clean your Air Conditioning system, and inspect your deck and exterior stairs (if applicable).
- Check and adjust exterior doors and windows to ensure seals are snug.
- Clean air intake vents, and change your furnace filter.
- Check the teleposts and adjust if required.
Safety First! Please take all necessary safety precautions when doing any work or inspections on your roof. And if you ever come across a maintenance requirement that you are not comfortable completing on your own you have a few courses of action to take:
- Contact the manufacturer or supplier of the product and ask if they can perform the maintenance for you.
- Contact Kimberley Homes and we can recommend a company to assist you!
Further Reading
For a complete list of all the recommended – and required – homeowner maintenance please review The Alberta New Home Warranty Program’s “Guide to the Care and Maintenance of Your New Home”online at ANHWP.com.
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